History/Social Studies - History (K - 8) - If You........series

A series from Scholastic books that helps your K- 3rd grader relate to people in America during different time frames.
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If Your Name was Changed at Ellis Island
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If your name were changed at Ellis Island Would everyone in your family travel together? How long would you stay...
If You Traveled West In a Covered Wagon
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If you traveled west in a covered wagon Would you ride in the wagon for the whole trip? How would...
If You Lived At The Time Of The American Revolution
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In April of 1775 the first shots were fired in a war that became known as the American Revolution. During...
If You Were There When They Signed The Constitution
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If you were there when they signed the Constitution you would see Why the Constitution is called a miracle. The...

If You Lived In Colonial Times
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If you lived in colonial times What kind of clothes would you wear? Would you go to school? What would...
If You Lived: If You Lived During the Civil War
$9.99 $8.94
If you had lived at the time of the Civil War Would you have seen a battle? Did you continue...
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If You Lived at the Time of Martin Luther King
$7.99 $6.97
The Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s is brought to life for young readers. When did the civil...
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If You Lived During the Plimoth Thanksgiving
$8.99 $7.97
What if you lived in a different time and place? What would you wear? What would you eat? How would...
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If You Sailed On The Titanic
$9.99 $8.94
What if you lived in a different time and place? What would you wear? What would you eat? How would...
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If You Lived: If You Traveled on the Underground Railroad
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If you traveled on the Underground Railroad Where was the safest place to go? Would you use a disguise when...
If You Sailed On The Mayflower
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If you sailed on the Mayflower What could you take with you? How would you keep clean? What would you...
If You Lived With The Sioux Indians
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If you lived with the Sioux Indians Would your parents be strict? What could you make out of buffalo? What...