Introduction to the Human Body: The Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology 7th Edition (USED)

Introduction to the Human Body: The Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology 7th Edition (USED)

Publisher: R.O.C.K. Solid
Author: Gerard J. Tortora
USED* Book - Limited Quantities

Introduction to the Human Body has provided countless readers with a strong understanding of the structure and function of the human body. This book presents the information in the field combined with an effective blend of stunning art and clearly written concepts. It approaches the study of the human body system by system, beginning with a look at the integumentary system. Readers will also benefit from the popular features that are integrated throughout the pages, such as Focus on Wellness Essays, Common Disorders, Focus on Homeostasis, and Clinical Applications. These are powerful learning tools that help make important concepts easier to understand.

ISBN 9780471691235, Published by John Wiley & Sons, 7th Edition
SKU 4491235

*Used books are non-returnable.

Book Title Introduction to the Human Body: The Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology 7th Edition (USED)
Publisher: R.O.C.K. Solid
Author Gerard J. Tortora
USED* Book - Limited Quantities

Introduction to the Human Body has provided countless readers with a strong understanding of the structure and function of the human body. This book presents the information in the field combined with an effective blend of stunning art and clearly written concepts. It approaches the study of the human body system by system, beginning with a look at the integumentary system. Readers will also benefit from the popular features that are integrated throughout the pages, such as Focus on Wellness Essays, Common Disorders, Focus on Homeostasis, and Clinical Applications. These are powerful learning tools that help make important concepts easier to understand.

ISBN 9780471691235, Published by John Wiley & Sons, 7th Edition
SKU 4491235

*Used books are non-returnable.