We the People, 2nd Edition

We the People, 2nd Edition

Publisher: Notgrass Company

A collection of original journal entries, newspaper articles, advertisements, poems, songs, letters, short stories, speeches, and other historic documents from American history.


Copyright 2021, 2nd Edition, Softcover, ISBN 9781609991463, SKU 1090114

This can be used as part of the America the Beautiful Curriculum or as a stand alone reference!  A great resource for every family!

Book Title We the People, 2nd Edition
Publisher: Notgrass Company

A collection of original journal entries, newspaper articles, advertisements, poems, songs, letters, short stories, speeches, and other historic documents from American history.


Copyright 2021, 2nd Edition, Softcover, ISBN 9781609991463, SKU 1090114

This can be used as part of the America the Beautiful Curriculum or as a stand alone reference!  A great resource for every family!