Reading Comprehension in Varied Subject Matter- Book 4

Reading Comprehension in Varied Subject Matter- Book 4

Publisher: E.P.S. / School Specialty
Author: Jane Ervin
Reading Comprehension Book 4 includes 31 selections in the following 7 subject areas. A sample passage title is given for each subject area:

Social Studies—Harriet Tubman
Science—The Water Cycle
Philosophy, Logic, and Language—Writing on Stone
Combined Subjects—Breaking the Sound Barrier
Math—Why We Have a Seven-Day Week
Literature—The Palm Tree of the Iroquois
The Arts—Michelangelo

In each lesson, the presentation of the passage consistently follows the same 7-step format:
  • About the Passage—introduces the selection to the reader and activates prior knowledge
  • Reason for Reading—explains the reading skill emphasized
  • The Selection—thematically organized selections across subject matter.
  • Thinking it Over—lists two to three broad questions to be answered in writing
  •  Studying the Passage—asks questions about the main idea, facts, and sequence, and asks students to draw conclusions, make assumptions, and interpret.  
  • Using the Words—encourages students to use new vocabulary words in a paragraph  
  • Writing about It—has students answer questions about the contents of the selection and offer their interpretation or opinion

Paperback - 92 pages
Educators Publisher Service
ISBN 9780838806036, SKU 7006036
Book Title Reading Comprehension in Varied Subject Matter- Book 4
Publisher: E.P.S. / School Specialty
Author Jane Ervin
Reading Comprehension Book 4 includes 31 selections in the following 7 subject areas. A sample passage title is given for each subject area:

Social Studies—Harriet Tubman
Science—The Water Cycle
Philosophy, Logic, and Language—Writing on Stone
Combined Subjects—Breaking the Sound Barrier
Math—Why We Have a Seven-Day Week
Literature—The Palm Tree of the Iroquois
The Arts—Michelangelo

In each lesson, the presentation of the passage consistently follows the same 7-step format:
  • About the Passage—introduces the selection to the reader and activates prior knowledge
  • Reason for Reading—explains the reading skill emphasized
  • The Selection—thematically organized selections across subject matter.
  • Thinking it Over—lists two to three broad questions to be answered in writing
  •  Studying the Passage—asks questions about the main idea, facts, and sequence, and asks students to draw conclusions, make assumptions, and interpret.  
  • Using the Words—encourages students to use new vocabulary words in a paragraph  
  • Writing about It—has students answer questions about the contents of the selection and offer their interpretation or opinion

Paperback - 92 pages
Educators Publisher Service
ISBN 9780838806036, SKU 7006036