Easy Grammar Ultimate Series: 180 Daily Teaching Lessons Grade 12 Student Book

Easy Grammar Ultimate Series: 180 Daily Teaching Lessons Grade 12 Student Book

Publisher: Easy Grammar / Isha
Author: Rozanne Lanczack Williams

The student lessons are like other Easy Grammar Ultimate Series texts. However, the concepts presented include both basic and more complex rules for capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. Some concepts, such as catenative verbs, zero articles, and modal idioms, are introduced, but mastery is not required.

This student workbook does not contain the answer key and is to be used in conjunction with the Teacher's Edition.

Paperback - 190 pages
ISBN: 9780936981567

Book Title Easy Grammar Ultimate Series: 180 Daily Teaching Lessons Grade 12 Student Book
Publisher: Easy Grammar / Isha
Author Rozanne Lanczack Williams

The student lessons are like other Easy Grammar Ultimate Series texts. However, the concepts presented include both basic and more complex rules for capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. Some concepts, such as catenative verbs, zero articles, and modal idioms, are introduced, but mastery is not required.

This student workbook does not contain the answer key and is to be used in conjunction with the Teacher's Edition.

Paperback - 190 pages
ISBN: 9780936981567