Creation Anatomy: A Study Guide to the Miracles of the Body

Creation Anatomy: A Study Guide to the Miracles of the Body

Publisher: Media Angels
Author: Felice Gerwitz, Jill Whitlock

The body is the most incredible of God’s creations! The complexity of even a single cell is amazing and points to an awesome Intelligent Designer, and His name is God!

Come study the wonderful systems within the body and learn that we are incredibly made. Learn how to refute the errors of evolutionary thinking. The complex body system defies Neo-Darwinian evolution. More and more scientists now realize that evolution just does not have all the answers. Shouldn’t your children understand why?

This study includes easy to follow lesson plans, a teaching outline for K-12, over 300 activities and experiments (including Francesco Redi’s experiment that proves life only comes from life!), the body systems, original research, human history, language information, vocabulary list, recommended reading (not necessary to complete this study), math activities, book reviews, reproducible sheets and much more!

Recommended books are:

  • Origins: Creation or Evolution
  • Many Infallible Proofs

ISBN 9781931941433, SKU 1001639

Book Title Creation Anatomy: A Study Guide to the Miracles of the Body
Publisher: Media Angels
Author Felice Gerwitz, Jill Whitlock

The body is the most incredible of God’s creations! The complexity of even a single cell is amazing and points to an awesome Intelligent Designer, and His name is God!

Come study the wonderful systems within the body and learn that we are incredibly made. Learn how to refute the errors of evolutionary thinking. The complex body system defies Neo-Darwinian evolution. More and more scientists now realize that evolution just does not have all the answers. Shouldn’t your children understand why?

This study includes easy to follow lesson plans, a teaching outline for K-12, over 300 activities and experiments (including Francesco Redi’s experiment that proves life only comes from life!), the body systems, original research, human history, language information, vocabulary list, recommended reading (not necessary to complete this study), math activities, book reviews, reproducible sheets and much more!

Recommended books are:

  • Origins: Creation or Evolution
  • Many Infallible Proofs

ISBN 9781931941433, SKU 1001639