Christian Kids Explore Biology (Grades 3-6)

Christian Kids Explore Biology (Grades 3-6)

Publisher: Bright Ideas Press
Author: Stephanie L. Redmond

Conversational, accessible lessons will have kids eagerly waiting to hear more about the wondrous world that surrounds them. Lessons focus on biological classification, plant life, bird structure, types of mammals in the wild, the human body, five senses, and more. This book features 35 lessons, each designed to take approximately one week. One-year curriculum.

Grades 3-6, though the content may be scaled for younger students and for those looking for more work. Answer key provided. An extensive book and resource list with appropriate grade levels also included.

Softcover, ISBN 9781892427052, Reproduction allowed for families only, Consumable

    Book Title Christian Kids Explore Biology (Grades 3-6)
    Publisher: Bright Ideas Press
    Author Stephanie L. Redmond
    Type Books

    Conversational, accessible lessons will have kids eagerly waiting to hear more about the wondrous world that surrounds them. Lessons focus on biological classification, plant life, bird structure, types of mammals in the wild, the human body, five senses, and more. This book features 35 lessons, each designed to take approximately one week. One-year curriculum.

    Grades 3-6, though the content may be scaled for younger students and for those looking for more work. Answer key provided. An extensive book and resource list with appropriate grade levels also included.

    Softcover, ISBN 9781892427052, Reproduction allowed for families only, Consumable