Detective Science: 40 Crime-Solving, Case-Breaking, Crook-Catching Activities for Kids

Detective Science: 40 Crime-Solving, Case-Breaking, Crook-Catching Activities for Kids

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Author: Jim Wiese
Become a super science sleuth with . . .

Detective Science

40 Crime-Solving, Case-Breaking, Crook-Catching Activities for Kids

Search for evidence, gather clues, and discover how science can help solve a mystery. From dusting for fingerprints to analyzing handwriting, these easy, fun-filled activities give you a firsthand look at how detectives and forensic scientists use science to solve real-life crimes.
Make a plaster cast of a shoe. Identify lip prints left on a glass. Examine hair and clothing fibers. Practice chemistry to identify mystery substances, and much more.

In no time at all, you'll be thinking like a detective and performing experiments like a real forensic scientist!

ISBN 9780471119807, Paperback
Recommended for ages 9-12
Book Title Detective Science: 40 Crime-Solving, Case-Breaking, Crook-Catching Activities for Kids
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Author Jim Wiese
Become a super science sleuth with . . .

Detective Science

40 Crime-Solving, Case-Breaking, Crook-Catching Activities for Kids

Search for evidence, gather clues, and discover how science can help solve a mystery. From dusting for fingerprints to analyzing handwriting, these easy, fun-filled activities give you a firsthand look at how detectives and forensic scientists use science to solve real-life crimes. Make a plaster cast of a shoe. Identify lip prints left on a glass. Examine hair and clothing fibers. Practice chemistry to identify mystery substances, and much more.

In no time at all, you'll be thinking like a detective and performing experiments like a real forensic scientist!
ISBN 9780471119807, Paperback Recommended for ages 9-12