Slow And Steady Get Me Ready for Kindergarten

Slow And Steady Get Me Ready for Kindergarten

Publisher: MISC SA
Author: June R. Oberlander

A complete readiness curriculum which develops preschool skills painlessly and in proper order. Includes one interesting, age appropriate activity per week for 5 years that takes only about 10 minutes. It clearly tells parents when, how and what skills can be developed. 344 pages, 260 activities in all that can began at birth! This resource is listed in the Department of Education -ERIC data base and was awarded the 1994 National Parenting Seal of Approval award.

ISBN 9781591602361, SKU 1032211

Book Title Slow And Steady Get Me Ready for Kindergarten
Publisher: MISC SA
Author June R. Oberlander

A complete readiness curriculum which develops preschool skills painlessly and in proper order. Includes one interesting, age appropriate activity per week for 5 years that takes only about 10 minutes. It clearly tells parents when, how and what skills can be developed. 344 pages, 260 activities in all that can began at birth! This resource is listed in the Department of Education -ERIC data base and was awarded the 1994 National Parenting Seal of Approval award.

ISBN 9781591602361, SKU 1032211