If You Lived When There Was Slavery in America

If You Lived When There Was Slavery in America

Publisher: Scholastic
Author: Kamma, Anne
Can a person be "owned" like a cow or a chair? This cannot happen in America today. But once, long ago, millions of men, women and children were bought and sold like goods. They had to do anything that their owner wanted them to do. They were slaves.

An easy read for grades 2 - 5. Easy enjoyment for ages 2 - 102.

Book Title If You Lived When There Was Slavery in America
Publisher: Scholastic
Author Kamma, Anne
Can a person be "owned" like a cow or a chair? This cannot happen in America today. But once, long ago, millions of men, women and children were bought and sold like goods. They had to do anything that their owner wanted them to do. They were slaves.

An easy read for grades 2 - 5. Easy enjoyment for ages 2 - 102.