Alpha Omega LIFEPAC 12th Grade - History/Geography - Government & Economics - Teacher's Edition

Alpha Omega LIFEPAC 12th Grade - History/Geography - Government & Economics - Teacher's Edition

Publisher: Alpha Omega Publications

Government & Economics

Teaching government and economics to your twelfth grader? Want an easy-to-use teacher's guide to help? Get the LIFEPAC Government & Economics Teacher's Guide! The comprehensive guide includes an Alpha Omega curriculum overview, lesson planning, alternate tests and worksheets, and answer keys for lessons and tests in Units 1-10.

ISBN 9781580956741

Book Title Alpha Omega LIFEPAC 12th Grade - History/Geography - Government & Economics - Teacher's Edition
Publisher: Alpha Omega Publications

Government & Economics

Teaching government and economics to your twelfth grader? Want an easy-to-use teacher's guide to help? Get the LIFEPAC Government & Economics Teacher's Guide! The comprehensive guide includes an Alpha Omega curriculum overview, lesson planning, alternate tests and worksheets, and answer keys for lessons and tests in Units 1-10.

ISBN 9781580956741