BJU Press Chemistry Student Text, 4th Edition

BJU Press Chemistry Student Text, 4th Edition

Publisher: Bob Jones University
Chemistry gives students the tools to build an understanding of atomic structure, chemical composition, and chemical reactions. Throughout the course, students will put these tools to work in different fields of chemistry in ways that can show them the impact that chemistry can have to help people and to wisely use God’s world to glorify Him. This new edition features new content about semiconductors and nuclear chemistry as well as additional biblical worldview-shaping sections that help students to think through common debates among scientists.
Softcover, ISBN 9781606825679, Copyright 2015, SKU 1092425
Book Title BJU Press Chemistry Student Text, 4th Edition
Publisher: Bob Jones University
Chemistry gives students the tools to build an understanding of atomic structure, chemical composition, and chemical reactions. Throughout the course, students will put these tools to work in different fields of chemistry in ways that can show them the impact that chemistry can have to help people and to wisely use God’s world to glorify Him. This new edition features new content about semiconductors and nuclear chemistry as well as additional biblical worldview-shaping sections that help students to think through common debates among scientists. Softcover, ISBN 9781606825679, Copyright 2015, SKU 1092425

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