BJU Press Bible Truths Level C Tests, 3rd ed.
BJU Press Bible Truths Level C Tests, 3rd ed.
Bible Truths C Testpack 3rd edition has been lightly revised in line with the revision of the Student Text. Because the revised text has rearranged the order in which the epistles are taught, test questions have been rearranged accordingly. 6 Tests.
Paper cover.
ISBN - 9781591663539
Book Title | BJU Press Bible Truths Level C Tests, 3rd ed. |
Publisher: | Bob Jones University |
Bible Truths C Testpack 3rd edition has been lightly revised in line with the revision of the Student Text. Because the revised text has rearranged the order in which the epistles are taught, test questions have been rearranged accordingly. 6 Tests.
Paper cover.
ISBN - 9781591663539