BJU Press United States History Grade 11 Student Text, 5th Edition

BJU Press United States History Grade 11 Student Text, 5th Edition

Publisher: Bob Jones University

United States History (5th Edition) Student Text takes the student on a journey beginning with European contact with American Indians and ending with the inauguration of Donald Trump. Along the journey, the course highlights major historical events that have shaped American history, inviting students to discuss the ramifications of these events on society today.

712 pages, softcover, ISBN 9781628562071SKU 1005776 

Book Title BJU Press United States History Grade 11 Student Text, 5th Edition
Publisher: Bob Jones University

United States History (5th Edition) Student Text takes the student on a journey beginning with European contact with American Indians and ending with the inauguration of Donald Trump. Along the journey, the course highlights major historical events that have shaped American history, inviting students to discuss the ramifications of these events on society today.

712 pages, softcover, ISBN 9781628562071SKU 1005776 

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