BJU Press Heritage Studies 5 Student Text, 4th Edition

BJU Press Heritage Studies 5 Student Text, 4th Edition

Publisher: Bob Jones University

Heritage Studies 5 Student Text (4th ed.) is a comprehensive, chronological survey of America’s entire known history. Chapters are pedagogically stimulating with art, maps, timelines, graphs, photos, and quick check questions. Most chapters have an extended activity, a brief narrative called “How It Was,” and biographies to enhance learning. The chapters emphasize themes in U.S. history and are written to prompt biblical evaluation of historical events.

ISBN 9781606829332, SKU 1033312

Book Title BJU Press Heritage Studies 5 Student Text, 4th Edition
Publisher: Bob Jones University

Heritage Studies 5 Student Text (4th ed.) is a comprehensive, chronological survey of America’s entire known history. Chapters are pedagogically stimulating with art, maps, timelines, graphs, photos, and quick check questions. Most chapters have an extended activity, a brief narrative called “How It Was,” and biographies to enhance learning. The chapters emphasize themes in U.S. history and are written to prompt biblical evaluation of historical events.

ISBN 9781606829332, SKU 1033312